Team Keep



Team Keep created, an online platform for those experiencing homelessness and their caseworkers to assist them in obtaining, securely storing, and utilizing government-issued ID to apply for aid services.

Loss of identification documents is a critical issue among those experiencing homelessness, as basic forms of ID such as Social Security cards are often a prerequisite to accessing critical aid services. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty in 2018, 51% of homeless adults without identification were denied SSI, and 53% were denied food stamps. Lack of identification forces individuals to find alternative, informal assistance that is neither adequate nor consistent.

We envision as a valuable tool for centralizing the information and documents needed to access aid services. An individual first registers with by visiting a local partner nonprofit, where they complete their online profile. then prepares guided forms for a photo ID, birth certificate, and Social Security card, auto-filled with the user’s profile information. Based on each user’s profile, also lists eligible aid opportunities, like SSDI, to easily apply for. We believe that getting ID is one of the first steps someone must take to escape the cycle of homelessness, and we are excited to be a part of this journey for the many adults experiencing homelessness in the United States.

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Steffen Cornwell

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